Rico Lee

大家好,这里是马来西亚野生的摄影师一只~ 多多指教!
其它作品都会发布在 flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bdrc1989/

世界在寂静中点燃 迎来新的开端

缕缕光芒齐齐汇集 为世界带来一片辉煌

【High Free Spirits】

Sunrise shoot at a jetty just below Penang bridge, encountered thick cloud at the horizon. Blended a shorter exposures for less blurry boats, made 3 separate layers for them. Taken with Athabasca 6 stops filter attached.

Photo: me ASD-Photography
a6000 + Tokina 11-16 + ND 6 stops filter

Hi-res: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bdrc1989/32028558420/in/dateposted/

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